Sunday, February 22, 2009

Miss Great Lakes EOY 2009 (1st Night)

Last night was bittersweet. Great entertainment with a lackluster attendance. My question: where was the big Columbus gay scene for the pageant? Thursday night you were out in force. And if the pageant would've happened at 11pm in stead of 8:30, you'd probably make it for the last half.

I'll be up front in admitting that I didn't stay for the cabaret that followed on the second floor, but the attendance from the local community for the pageant was obviously absent. The owner of the National EOY Pageant made it in. So did Missouri EOY 2008 Kitty Litter from St. Louis; Mr. EOY 2003 D'Andre from Houston; Mr. EOY 2008 Savion Simpson-Black; Nickki Stevens from Detroit; National EOY 2007 Dee Ranged; the Toronto EOY representative; queens from all over the state; and your hometown hero Miss Nina West, current National EOY title holder. But Columbus queers.... nope.

Oh well... the performances were great. Trinity Taylor's Trinspa Commercial was hilarious (a little too reminiscent of the I Love Lucy Vitameatavegamin routine, but still funny). Dee Ranged did the madonna/baby routine I blogged about recently (except apparently it was Whintey Houston's "I'm Every Woman"). Nina did her Beauty and the Beast number, and Kitty killed it with a dance that ended night one of the pageant. Here are my pics...

Nina West:

Kitty Litter:

Trinity Taylor:

Dee Ranged:


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