Wednesday, February 18, 2009

ANSER: A Torontoist Interview

Torontoist recently posted an interview with graffiti and street artist! It's good. Really good! ANSER's perspective on street art and graffiti is mutually respectable and insightful.
Taken from the interview:

Torontoist: I almost think of street art and graffiti not as two separate things but as sort of the same...

ANSER: Oh, they're totally separate, they're totally separate. I mean you look at the mediums that they use. Street art to me is the more artistic, the more easy-to-access side of graffiti. Graffiti really is a totally different cultural phenomenon that people are participating in.

T: Like having a huge tag on a wall is more graffiti...

A: Oh, that is graffiti. And someone who does an amazing image and puts it on a poster and posts it up—that's street art. It's having a dialogue with a total different medium, total different people, total different space. And to be honest, I agree more with street art.

T: And that's why you moved a bit from graffiti to street art...

A: But I love graffiti. So that's why I'm in between these two boundaries. Personally, I do do some postering, I do do some other forms of street art. But really, I think the thing that attracts me so much to graffiti is that it's a moment in time that is a moment of creation, where you have to step to this spot, you have no time to think... And that is why I think a lot of graffiti artists can't appreciate street art—because you're removing that instantaneous creation.

---end quote

...and thanks to Wooster Collective for cluing in those of us who missed the post early yesterday morning.

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